Monday, May 10, 2010

Obama Steals the Internet!

OK, not really. But in a recent WSJ article, Julius Ceasar of the Internet we see that the Spendo-crats have found a way to regulate the Internet. Effectively, they have opened the door to locking the door on the Internet using 80 year old laws.

And let's not kid ourselves, whatever lollypop justification that is being put on this, it isn't a good thing. How long before government regulation, taxes, tariffs, and fees and more are charged for the Internet. Hey, you're on Facebook for longer than 30 minutes a day - that's means that I can tax you. "Enjoy blogging, there is a $1.00 per posting tax now. It is for your own good."

OK, I'm sure they are those of you who read this and say Bushwah! But mark my words, this is a bad thing. No good can come of it.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Getting Bombed

In a four month period, we've had two attempts at bombings here in the United States. And somehow, our government is trying to suggest that the latest failure is another "Intelligence" success. Because they caught him...

I don't know about you, but this doesn't make me feel any safer.